since 2018

Scientific Researcher, German Museum of Oceanographic

Scientific literature research, supporting activity in the production of scientific texts, animal care work, aquarium technology, diving work including diving show, salvage of dead marine mammal


Scientific assistant at the German Oceanographic Museum Stralsund

collection management, section assistance

2013 - 2016

Master of Science of Marine Biology, University of Rostock

Topic of the Master thesis: „Echoortungsverhalten im Flachwasser: Detektion und Lokalisation von Schweinswal-Klicks (Phocoena phocoena) im Wattenmeer“

2012 - 2013

Collaboration in various projects in gardening and landscaping, construction and maintenance of ecological swimming ponds, construction and restoration of dry stone walls

2004 - 2012

Diploma study of Biology, TU Darmstadt

Diploma thesis: „Das viruskodierte PB1-F2 Protein erhöht die Leitfähigkeit von Membranen: Abhängigkeit von Spannung und Proteinstruktur“