Aquaria & Outdoor Grounds

Baltic Sea aquarium

The Baltic Sea aquarium is the only marine aquarium in the Western Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park where you can admire more than 30 fish and invertebrate species. In the wild, the animals are native to the clear shallow waters of the Baltic Sea around Darßer Ort.

Beach and Dune Garden

Depending on the season, various characteristic beach and dune plants one would never find in such diversity along the hiking trails grow and blossom in the small beach and dune garden at NATUREUM. You will also see plots with plants of arid areas (Reffe) and wetlands (Riegen) that are typical for the forest of the New-Darß.

Wetland Biotope

In the warmer season, you can watch many frogs and water insects, some toads and newts or even a grass snake by the small Pond.

Coastal Dynamics Relief

NATUREUM’s outdoor grounds feature a novelty: A relief table illustrates the loss of seashore around Darßer Ort and reveals that the days of the lighthouse are numbered. Actual data shows that the lighthouse may fall victim to the sea in 50 years. The relief table was co-funded by the North German Foundation for Environment and Development, the BINGO Environmental Lottery and the Friends’ Association German Marine Museum. It was implemented in cooperation with the German Marine Museum, the Federal Waterways and Shipping Authority (WSA) and the Fraunhofer Institute Rostock. Terrain data were provided by the WSA and calculated by the Fraunhofer Institute. A precision shaper then used the data and shaped the relief onto an artificial wood block.