
542 results:
Search results 151 until 160 of 542
151. Coastal Dynamics  
Coastal Dynamics Discover the rich diversity, dynamics and need for protection of the unique nature and landscape of the Darß region. Especially during winter and spring, Baltic coast visitors can…

Pfad: /NATUREUM/Ausstellungen/Küstendynamik/  
152. Baltic Sea Aquarium  
Baltic Sea Aquarium The Baltic Sea aquarium is the only marine aquarium in the Western Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park where you can admire more than 30 fish and invertebrate species. In the…

Pfad: /NATUREUM/Aquarien & Außenanla.../Ostsee-Aquarium/  
153. Beach and Dune Garden  
Beach and Dune Garden Depending on the season, various characteristic beach and dune plants one would never find in such diversity along the hiking trails grow and blossom in the small beach and dune…

Pfad: /NATUREUM/Aquarien & Außenanla.../Strand- und Dünengar.../  
154. Wetland Biotope  
Wetland Biotope In the warmer season, you can watch many frogs and water insects, some toads and newts or even a grass snake by the small Pond.

Pfad: /NATUREUM/Aquarien & Außenanla.../Feuchtbiotop/  
155. History of the Lighthouse  
Brick tower still on duty The red brick lighthouse was built in 1848. It is the oldest lighthouse still on duty along the coast of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern – a truly exceptional building. Its…

Pfad: /NATUREUM/Ausstellungen/Geschichte des Leuch.../  
156. Coastal Dynamics Relief  
The days of the lighthouse are numbered Since 1952, coastal dynamics have decreased the shoreline off Darßer Ort lighthouse by approximately one metre per year. In about 50 years, the sea will reach…

Pfad: /NATUREUM/Aquarien & Außenanla.../Relief Küstendynamik/  
157. General map  
General Map NATUREUM is located in the central zone of the Western Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park near Darß western beach. NATUREUM’s listed building complex comprises the former stable, the…

Pfad: /NATUREUM/Service/Übersichtsplan/  
158. Events  

Pfad: /NATUREUM/Landing-Pages/Veranstaltungen/  
159. Baltic Coast  
Fossils from Gotland Hunting for fossil treasures is the motto of many Gotland visitors. Gotland is the second biggest island in the Baltic Sea. 410 – 440-million-year-old Silurian layers originate…

Pfad: /NATUREUM/Ausstellungen/Ostseeküste mit Bern.../  
160. Gruppenessen_-2024.pdf  
Angebot für Busreisegruppen anlässlich Ihres Besuchs im OZEANEUM (gültig bis 31.12.2024) Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an der PAUSCH Gastronomie im OZEANEUM. 1…  
Search results 151 until 160 of 542